Deadly is the Female interviews Miss Vintage Lady!
There are so many beautiful bloggers, models and gals who love the vintage style and we absolutely adore! We wanted to get together with a few to quiz them about anything and everything to do with clothing, makeup, hair, body confidence, selfie tips and so much more! In each interview we ask the lovely ladies 3 personalised questions to get an insight into each ladies lives and then we ask 5 Deadly questions which have been put together by our staff and customers that will be asked in each interview, how exciting!
Today’s interview features an international beauty who remind us of a real life Snow White! This gorgeous lady models for some of our favourite brands and has been an absolute pleasure to interview.
We chat with the beautiful Miss Vintage Lady!
Thank you so much for taking part in the Deadly blog. We are huge fans of your blog ‘Miss Vintage Lady’ and we always swoon over your outfits! Tell us how you got into the vintage style? Why did you decide to set up your blog?
My love for Vintage started at a young age, I would often go to our local theater with my Nana to watch Musicals & Old Films. Gone with the Wind & White Christmas were the two films that really inspired me to start wearing vintage & vintage reproduction. I was so in awe of all the beautiful costumes & the hair styles everything was just so beautiful. I remember telling my nana I wanted to look that glamorous. I started my blog hoping to give inspiration & styling tips to those interested in learning how to style/wear vintage designs. I would often get asked where I got my dresses or how I styled my hair; so one day I thought well maybe I should create a “vintage Inspired Style” blog with pictures & tips.
We absolutely adore your old Hollywood inspired style, it’s very classical and nostalgic. Who is your biggest inspiration from the 40’s/50’s and why? Who is your modern day inspiration and why?
Ooo…that is a tough one there are five women from the 40s & 50s that really inspired me Gene Tierney, Vivien Leigh, Hedy Lamarr, Lucille Ball, & Judy Garland. Gene Tierney is one of my favorite actresses especially in the film “Laura”. Vivien Leigh, Lucille Ball, & Judy Garland are some of my favorite actresses as well a lot of my hair & make up choices are inspired by them. I can easily say Dita Von Teese is my Modern Day Inspiration. When I was younger I didn’t really know anyone who wore Vintage so Dita was someone I could relate to & look up to & I still look up to her.
We are always asked by customers “doesn’t it take you hours to get ready in the morning?!” What is your beauty routine and can you share your top tips for perfecting the vintage hair and makeup look?
My beauty routine is quite simple I try to keep a classic vintage look. Gene Tierney her make up was always so stunning & flawless. I always start my morning with my skin care routine before I apply my make up. I take the most time setting my hair, which I do every other night depending on the type of style I am trying to achieve. I have very straight thick hair naturally so my hair doesn’t hold a curl unless it’s set over night. I use Foam Rollers with a Setting Spray & Brush it out after applying my make up.
Practice is the best way to achieve your desired look, I am still trying to perfect my look. Setting Patterns, a Setting Spray, & a soft bristle brush are very important essentials. The brush out really is the most important part so practice your brush out it makes all the difference. You can find vintage setting patterns online especially on Pinterest. I always use a sharp pencil lip liner & a lip brush when applying my lipstick especially my red lipstick. Beauty Blenders are my go to, I always apply my Foundation with a beauty blender the results are amazing!